A new year, a new chance to promote the wellness of writing, journalling, and productivity. My first post of 2009 on DIYP is up and it’s about what I resolve to learn over the next year. What things in 2009…
Author: innowen
2008 in Books
Jaymi’s 2008 book montage Jaymi’s favorite books » Share book reviews and ratings with Jaymi, and even join a book club on Goodreads. }
2008 in Books
This post was totally inspired (ripped off) by Jenn. Earlier this year she introduced me to GoodReads, a site dedicated to books and reviews. It’s been a long standing desire of mine to somehow record and keep a catalog of…
DIYP Article Up: Review of Developing Story Ideas
In our attempt to re-invigorate D*I*Y Planner and the site’s content, Doug and I are trying to get back into the habit of writing weekly posts. So, today I posted a new review article on Developing Story Ideas to the…
The Contest of First Paragraphs
Today’s been busy. Put in a few hours in on the manuals for CA, then started a draft for this week’s D*I*Y Planner article, and attended a free teleconference on “Knowing When to Let Go of Your Work”. That gave…
Late Night Musings
I couldn’t sleep last night. My mind was teeming with ideas (writing and otherwise). So I wandered downstairs and did some work on some projects I’d like to finish before the holidaze. And wouldn’t you know it, inspiration hit. It…
DIYP Article Up: NaNoWriMo 2008 Recap
I just posted a recap about this year’s NaNoWriMo adventures over at DIYPlanner.com. I wrote a short list of all the things I’ve learned from writing a novel by hand and took a few images of my journal and inkwell.…
TGIO, NaNoWriMo 08
TGIO, or Thank God It’s Over, happened twice for me this year. The first, a bittersweet moment when I penned the words “The End” onto the last signature of my writing journal. That’s the hardest moment, the time when I’ve…
A Change of Pace
Now that I’m finished with my NaNoWriMo novel this year, I’ve been itching for a change in pace; a small project to get me back into short form writing. So, I spent 4 hours today writing another pagan essay. When…
Day Seventeen, NaNoWriMo 08
Word Count: 2975 for a total of 50766! YAAAAAY! I did it… I’m done. I finished my 7th first draft of a novel… and this TIME I DID IT ALL BY HAND. And boy was it sore tonight. Not sure…