TGIO, or Thank God It’s Over, happened twice for me this year. The first, a bittersweet moment when I penned the words “The End” onto the last signature of my writing journal. That’s the hardest moment, the time when I’ve…
Category: Writing
This category contains general writing.
Day Seventeen, NaNoWriMo 08
Word Count: 2975 for a total of 50766! YAAAAAY! I did it… I’m done. I finished my 7th first draft of a novel… and this TIME I DID IT ALL BY HAND. And boy was it sore tonight. Not sure…
Day Sixteen, NaNoWriMo 08
Word Count: 3421 for a total of 47791 Today’s points didn’t go as planned. Actually it was all quite messy and I wish I could take them back but I can’t. I don’t think I planned these points out well…
Day Fifteen, NaNoWriMo 08
Word Count: 3365 for a total of 44370 Getting down to the wire, I’m almost finished! Today I wrote the first confrontation between Autumn and Inca. I originally planned that it was going to be some sort of physical duel,…
Day Fourteen, NaNoWriMo 08
Word Count: 3261 for a total of 41005 I’m still on track with the story. I quickly got them over to the Pyramid and instead of having them travel in some labyrinth maze, my mind decided to put the information…
Day Thirteen, NaNoWriMo 08
Word Count: 3600 for a total of 37744 Yay! Go me! I’m past 35K and still going. Still writing this blasted thing by hand even. I’ve got Autumn, Chad, and Andrews up in a plane now. They’re en route to…
Day Twelve, NaNoWriMo 08
Word Count: 3604 for a total of 34144 I had to check my math twice tonight. It seems rather odd that those 3604 words jumped me that far up the chain. I had planned on writing another meeting and then…
Day Eleven, NaNoWriMo 08
Word Count: 3336 for a total of 30540 The words blur together. I start out really strong and end less than strong. At least that is what writing by hand after ten days feels like to me. I moved the…
Day Ten, NaNoWriMo 08
Word Count: 3534 for a total of 27204 I have no idea how I managed to write that many words. I’m still doing 10 pages (front and back) a day. But somehow, I’m able to squeeze more and more words.…
Day Eight and Nine, NaNoWriMo 08
Day Nine Word Count: 2990 for a total of 23670 Today picked up a bit. I switched gears and went back to our ranty daemon antagonist, Inca. Sort of told the story about how he got knocked down to our…