Word Count: 3013 words today, for a total of 11770
Today was funky. I woke up late, and had to attend to Real Life things before I could actually properly sit down and focus on anything. I did manage to squeeze 250 words in before heading out, but it left me feeling off. When I got home, after doing errands and visiting a friend (and getting food into my belly), I sat down to hammer out 2000 words. And as you can see… I completely wiped it off the map. Go Team inno!
Had some of the hardest writing to do today. I had to talk a bit about the training that goes on inside SGI, Inc and present some of the classes, rituals, and characters that one can find there. Spent most of the time writing a ritual and quickly ran over the other items of interest.
Since tomorrow I start a 3-day tarot intensive, I’m not sure how much writering I’ll get done, so I’m planning on squeaking in at least the daily tallies. For those of you who aren’t in the know… a minimum day of writing on NaNo is 1667 words. If you do that every day, you hit the target amount of 50k. This year, I’m hoping to go a bit over this.